Thursday 18 December 2014

Local gift guides Pt.2

Our second recommended gift guide is from 
Suzanne puts her focus on supporting local when shopping
for teachers, tutors and coaches. 
And once again a big thank you to her 
for including ...and then again in her list.

All the gifts in her guide can be found at 
Brick & Mortar Living in New Westminster, BC.
I especially love the Wallflower Living Frames.
Check it out!
-Amanda & Liz

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Local gift guides Pt. 1

We love a good gift guide!
Especially when it includes gifts that are affordable and support local makers/shops. 

A big thank you to in a sequoia for including 
our bottle charms, in her gift guide
 for the vino in your life.

Megan has created various gift guides that match the personality/interests of your recipients including; the boho spirit; the wanderlust; the goal getter; the feminist and more. 
Check out these guides for some great inspiration!

-Amanda & Liz

Monday 1 December 2014

Tiny Treasures

I love to include vintage items in our Christmas decor.
Sometimes they are decorations or serving-ware that has been passed down and other times they are trinkets that have been found.

These tiny spoons were found in a box of souvenir spoons that I had acquired last year. 
I was actually going to sell them as a set but my boys didn't want to part with them. They are perfect for stirring hot chocolate and eating marshmallows.
Maybe one day, they will become a piece of Christmas magic that the boys will want for themselves.