Thank you to all of you who have been patient with me while I experimented with a couple of online shops and had
my web address sending you to different places.
While I liked the look of my Shopify account,
I decided that it is best to focus
on running one online shop well, and really enjoy
the platform and support that Etsy provides.
I am working on setting some goals in regards
to my brand identity, photography and blogging.
As a curious person who wants to enjoy all
sorts of experiences and is continually trying to learn and improve in all aspects of my life,
I can become a bit scattered at times.
These goals and many 'lists' will help me return to blogging and share with those of you who enjoy '...and then again'.
I plan to bring more of me and my diverse interests
and curiosities and not only share information about my finished products.
Thanks for reading!