Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Donation to the Canadian Federation of University Women

"Coronation" Pendant

"Orleans" Bracelet

Back in June, we were asked by a member of The Canadian Federation of University Women if we would be interested in donating a couple of pieces for an upcoming silent auction . The national AGM for the organization was being held in Victoria, BC on June 22 - 24, 2012 and the organization was looking for items to showcase local artists. Lisa, whom I had just met the week prior, was kind enough to think of us, and we were honoured to be asked to participate.

After some deliberation we chose to donate the two items picture above. The pendant is hand-crafted from a silver-plated bonbon/tomato spoon. The pattern is "Coronation" 1936 by Community Plate, and the pendant features a wire wrapped crystal and bead charm. The bracelet is made from a silver-plated serving spoon. The pattern is "Orleans" 1964 by 1847 Rogers Bros International Deep Silver, and features two wire wrapped charms. The value of the two items was $95 but we were delighted to hear that they helped raise $165 for the CFUW Charitable Trust and that many of the women in attendance enjoyed our items.  

Thank you again to Lisa and to the CFUW. We were happy to align ourselves with an organization whose work has an important purpose. The organization is committed to:

  • Improving the status of women and girls
  • Promoting quality public education
  • Advancing the status of women, human rights, justice and peace

  • Please visit their website at www.cfuw.org


    Wednesday, 22 August 2012

    First Time Out

    First Time Out

    "Life is sacred. Life is art. Life is sacred art."
    - Gabrielle Roth

    "...and then again" made its debut on Saturday evening! Amanda and I joined many other individuals, groups and businesses in an effort to contribute to and support our local Delta Hospice Society.
    What an experience the evening was!
    We enjoyed ourselves so much! The atmosphere was filled with creativity, sharing, Joy and laughter. There were amazing aromas in the air from all the food available. The music provided a festive harmony. My grandsons, Ewan & Liam were among the many children there who came away with their faces painted, feeling the adventure of being someone or something else...in their case 'Spiderman'.

    Throughout the hours that we were there I marveled at what happens when people come together for a higher purpose. I felt proud to be there and grateful for the opportunity. The months leading up to this first exposure for our "creations" were labour intensive as well as fufilling, challenging, exciting and so much more!

    We are very grateful to our husbands for all they are and do. We have had their support from day one, but these past few weeks have been extra busy...filled with long HOT hours of activity in an effort to pull it all together. Ewan and Liam have had many outings and extra Dad, Grandpa, Gran, Papa and Aunty and Uncle time...much to their utter glee! Thank yous to all of our family members and friends who have offered their support in their unique ways.  We wouldn't be pursuing our business dream without the interweaving of Love, energy, focus and commitment that community offers.

    Thank you to Ali, Michael and all the many people who came together to organize this event. We were given the opportunity to join the Delta Hospice Society volunteers, and supporters and together demonstrate our Love, compassion and reverence for LIFE!

    "Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived."
    -Thomas Merton

    Bye for now! -Liz

    P.S. We will be listing items for sale in our Etsy shoppe very soon. In the meantime please contact us via email or Facebook if you are interested in any of the items in the photos above.