Monday, 23 July 2012


"Dragonflies represent life's constant process of transformation and renewal."
– Simone Diamond, Coast Salish

“Wherever you are is the entry point!”  – Kabir

As we begin this quest I am aware that it isn’t really beginning here, it has been coming for a really long time. I, Liz have been following blogs for several years. Having been an admitted magazine addict for as long as I can remember, when I found that first blog I knew that I had found a new frontier, a new passion. I can feast my eyes, be thrilled by colour, form, order, placement, and so much more. I have been inspired by bloggers from all corners of the globe with just a click of the mouse. We now prepare to share our expressions of what is universal. Our experience of the creative energy that needs expression!

I am feeling an apprehension at the same time. What do I really have to offer? I choose to go ahead and join. The stories that have been pressed to give expression to the wonders they have been moved by. 

“A frontier is never a place; it is a time and a way of life.” – Hal Borland

Amanda and I want to welcome all fellow seekers to and then again. Infinite possibilities flow from the creative energy in all of us! I am encouraged by my grandsons as they live their creative ‘being’. As they are 2 and 6 years old they are exploring constantly. I am filled with joy when I adopt that openness to wonder.

“The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.” – Karl Jung

Let’s play together!

Liz & Amanda

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